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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Blacks come with a prewritten excuse for everything.

You can't call him lazy...he's black. His people were slaves.
His people MIGHT have been slaves. I haven't seen proof of that. Mine probably were, too, somewhere down the line. I don't know, because -- just like every single "African American" alive today: I never met my slave ancestors. Because it was over & done with more than a century before we were born. Which means neither of us can use it as an excuse for...anything. Especially when today's black unemployment rates are TWICE as high as whites & black workforce participation rates around loitering around 60%.

You can't call him a thug... he's black. This is his only way to survive.
A thug is a criminal. A criminal is someone who says, "I don't like the rules, & so I'll break them." It's a conscious choice. If you can't handle living within the confines of society, you will be removed from it. That's not just America, & it's not saying "might makes right" -- that's just how it's been everywhere, always. It's the nature of society. Skin color does not turn rape & murder into expressions of righteous anger against a repressive regime, (or whatever pop-political babble you've been trained to repeat this month.) It's still rape & murder. If you violate someone's rights, your rights will be violated. It's that simple. And let's not pretend this is all about marijuana. Half the murders in America are committed by young black males.... and they only make up 6% of the population. If half of all murders were committed by any other single group... babysitters, postal workers,  vegetarians, Christians, stamp collectors.... you can bet there would be a national alarm raised over it. But since most of the country's murderers are actually black, we're supposed to ignore the problem. If crime is the only way blacks expect to survive, then one of two things will happen: they will be removed from society, or society will fall to unimpeded crime. Skin color is not an excuse for violating the rights of others.

You can't call him ignorant..... he's black. He didn't go to your exclusive private schools.
I didn't go to exclusive private schools, either. But I can speak, read, & write like an adult. And I know how to listen. Just 16% of black 12th graders can read at the 12th grade level.  Is that their own faults? Is it the fault of corrupt teacher unions diverting our money money to their own benefits packages? It's debatable. One thing is sure: it's not white peoples' fault. The taxes were paid to ensure those kids would be educated, but they weren't.,7665

Blacks have been given an unfair leg up on everybody else in everything from education to housing to legal aid & even bonus legal protections for half a century. And this is apparently the best they can do with all that money, all that affirmative action, all those laws, all that hope. This is NOT the fault of white people, cops, or lack of funding. It's because blacks are held to lower standards than everybody else. It's because people make excuses for them.  We tried. The whole country was FORCED to try. But affirmative action failed.
No more excuses.

Monday, May 4, 2015

You're one of 'Them' whether you like it or not.

There's no place set aside for renouncement in society.

There's no place where we can say "just because I'm white, that doesn't mean I'm racist,"

or "just because I'm gay, that doesn't mean I want to force people to abandon their beliefs & to do my bidding for cash,"

 or "just because I'm black, that doesn't mean I put violent crime on a pedestal."

You can scream it online & people might like it, but when you go outside, the rest of the world will see you however they've been told to see you. And they'll treat you with pettiness & vengeance.