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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Population Control - It's Now Or Never

My two pet ideas to free ourselves from the dead weight that's holding humanity back :

Forced sterilization of all children born into second-generation welfare homes
Offer a game console & a year's supply of Pepsi/Frito-Lay products to citizens who volunteer for sterilization

Friday, May 6, 2016

Rally in Detroit for Aiyana Jones, but not for Je'Rean Blake

Officer Joseph Weekley is the Detroit police officer who has been tried & cleared 3 separate times in the death of black 7 year old Aiyana Jones (who has become something of a martyr among black racists & cop haters).

Aiyana was killed on accident when police raided her grandmother's home. Aiyana's father (Charles Jones) had just murdered Je'Rean Blake. It was a matter of honor -- Jones thought 17 year old Je'Rean looked at him funny while leaving a gas station. This is completely normal behavior here.

When police raided the home in pursuit of Charles Jones, Aiyana's grandmother attacked officer Weekley, grabbing his weapon, causing it to fire, which killed Aiyana. Articles I've read give cause to suspect Charles was actually using his daughter as a human shield.

In the 6 years that have passed, Charles Jones has been found guilty of Je'Rean's murder & received 40-60 years in prison. And the ever-so-rational people of Detroit have demanded the head of the innocent white officer, who (as I mentioned) has been cleared three separate times now. There is never -- EVER-- a mention of Je'Rean Blake when discussing poor Aiyana's death at the hands of a mean white officer who killed her 'For No Reason Whatsoever'.

WHICH BRINGS US TO TODAY AND WHY I'M WRITING THIS.  I was invited to attend a rally in memory of Aiyana, tomorrow, Saturday May 7th. I won't be there. But I wanted to let the organizers of the event know the true story about Aiyana's death, so I went to the website of Channel 7 WXYZ (Detroit's ABC affiliate) for the article about Aiyana's father murdering Je'Rean Blake. But  -- the article has been taken down. The facts are still spelled out in the URL itself: but the article -- which I've used dozens of times before as a reference -- disappeared shortly before the Aiyana rally.

So I had a backup plan: Another article about Je'Rean Blake's murder. I knew that another man named Chauncey Owens actually pulled the trigger that killed the 'youth', & he got life with no parole for it. And I had a go-to article about him, as well. But ABC Detroit wouldn't let the truth out so easily -- this article had been recently taken down, too.
As you can see, the article's now-dead URL doesn't even hint at the Aiyana Jones story, but it was still too risky to leave up:​
They couldn't risk letting the public find out that the REAL cold blooded killers are black.

I just...don't know what to do about this. This stuff keeps happening, & the media the officials in charge are blaming everybody but the people who actually commit the murders. In fact, WXYZ left one single article up about the murder of Je'rean Blake, in which they downplay Aiyana's father's role & attempt to make him appear to be a sympathetic victim.

And now, at 2pm tomorrow, they're having a cop hate rally to curse the name of the oficer they've already dragged through hell, just to cover up the fact that Aiyana Jones died because her father is a cold blooded murderer.

Black lives matter? Not Je'Rean Blake's life. Not to the black community.

After a few years on twitter, I know #youths reading this are saying 'lol you scared bruh'. And hey, you're an idiot if you're not. Because innocent people are being murdered & innocent people are being blamed for it. Spontaneous violence is breaking out in black mobs across the country. Non-blacks are being set up, & it's all for kids games. Don't believe me? Look at the story of Steve Utash. You could be next. Any of us could be, as long as we aren't black.

Something has to be done. Don't let the truth die like all the victims of black violence.