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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Responses to HuffPo's accusations of racism directed toward Donald Trump

Huffington Post published a list of claims childishly called "Here Are Ten Examples Of Trump Being Racist". Yes, I know, some neverTrumper posts her own version of this every 15 minutes. But this one seems to consider itself all-encompassing, so I figured it's a good one to squash (in order). 

HuffPo: The Justice Department sued his company — twice — for not renting to black people
  • Reality: Trump won.

HuffPo: In fact, discrimination against black people has been a pattern in his career
  • Reality: These are all unproven claims, hearsay, & speculation.

HuffPo: He refused to condemn the white supremacists who are campaigning for him
  • Reality: He condemend them quickly, repeatedly & publicly.
  • Reality: Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton recently accepted a $20,000 donation from the KKK for her 2016 Presidential campaign. And here she is kissing the last klansman to hold US elected office - Democrat Senator Robert Byrd:
    She clearly has no problem with the Confederacy or the 'Old South'. 
    Here's a campaign button for the man she married:

HuffPo: He questions whether Barack Hussein Obama was born in the United States
  • Reality: there's nothing racist about that whatsoever.

HuffPo: He treats racial groups as monoliths
  • Reality: they present themselves as monoiths. (Maybe you've noticed the uniformed "unity" marches where everybody chants in unison?)

HuffPo: He trashed Native Americans, too
  • Reality: He testified that the mafia had infiltrated the Indian casino business. That's hardly "trashing Native Americans".

HuffPo: He encouraged the mob justice that resulted in the wrongful imprisonment of the Central Park Five
  • Reality: He never once encouraged violence against any innocent people. He took out ads stating his strong support for the death penalty for KILLERS -- not innocent people. 
  • Reality: since his campaign began, radical liberals (like the readers of HuffPo) have repeatedly tried to assassinate Trump. On top of that, the neverTrumpers have repeatedly waged violent assault against the innocent public, police, businesses, properties, and even horses in the name of their demented cause.
  • Reality: The reason the Central Park Five were arrested in the first place is that they were rampaging through the park violently assaulting people. Which they fully admitted to in court.
  • Reality: There's nothing racist about it.
[Here's an interesting link about the politically incorrect truth of the Central Park Five case]

HufFPo: He condoned the beating of a Black Lives Matter Protester
  • Reality: there's nothing racist about that. The racist walked into a room of 20,000 people & tried to start trouble. He got what he wanted.
  • Reality: he's lucky he made it out of that room alive. If a white man had walked into a 20,000 person Black Lives Matter rally and tried that, he would have been torn limb from limb. And the media would have said he deserved it.

HuffPo: He called supporters who beat up a homeless Latino man "passionate"
  • Reality: there's nothing racist about stating facts. The men who committed the crime were passionate. Just like the people who try to kill Trump & his supporters every week.
  • Reality: They didn't work for Trump, nor were they ordered by him, nor did they do it for him, nor did he offer any kind of support for them. The criminals simply stated that Trump was right: all these illegals need to be deported. And they do need to be deported. This isn't their home. Their presence here is a crime.

HuffPo: He stereotyped Jews as good negotiators -- and political masterminds
  • Reality: So what? It's called a compliment. And it's not like he doesn't do business with them.

Author's note: the person at HuffPo who wrote this garbage should find a bucket, stick her head in it, & cry until she drowns.