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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Some Questions For Supporters Of muslim Immigration

  1. If they can't get along in the Middle East, what makes you think they won't bring their religious war here?
  2. We have much to lose by bringing them here. What do we have to gain by it?
  3. Do you understand that islam is the world's number one threat to women?
  4. When faced with uncomfortable realities about the horrors of islam, you seem quick to blame Christianity for the world's problems. Can you show me recent evidence of Christians committing atrocities & creating humanitarian crises on a global scale in the name of their religion? 
  5. Are you aware muhammad (the founder of islam) raped a 9 year old girl?
  6. Are you aware muslims currently own slaves & the US abolished slavery?
  7. Are you aware that islam never experienced an Enlightenment period?
  8. Do you support them as they chant "Death to America!"?
  9. If you think they're so great, why don't you go live in their nations?
  10. Are you aware they're currently committing genocide, just like Hitler did?
  11. You claim everything we do to protect ourselves from muslim violence is "a win" for islam, that it "plays into their hands", or "only makes them hate us more". Short of allowing them to continue murdering us & everyone else (since they already are), is there anything we can do that WON'T make them hate us? 

1 comment:

  1. Truth is voters like to push anything unpleasant aside. We can no longer afford that type of apathy.
