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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Massive Racist Assault Just A Local Tradition In Ft Lauderdale

Remember that riot this Memorial Day? The one where hundreds of racially-motivated assailants laid siege to defenseless beachgoers in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida?

Of course you don't. It wasn't on the news.

Turns out it wasn't in the news LAST year, either:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

MASSIVE "knockout game" / trampling event ignored by mass media

In an attempt to keep white people from panicking & demanding a response from the Obama, the media is downplaying an event in which "hundreds" of unknown assailants descended upon a beach in Ft. Lauderdale, FL Monday, leaving violence & loss in their wake.

The attack showed no signs that this could be a gang-related incident, as there was just one single small army laying siege to the general public. The assault stopped traffic in the area for over an hour while police scrambled to keep their wits about them in the face of such an unprecedented attack. Most of the victims were barefoot & wearing only bathing suits, unable to defend themselves or their families against the horde. Other victims were attacked in their cars while they sat helplessly locked in traffic.

As expected, The Obama is completely silent on this matter so far, just as he has been in almost all other racially-motivated cases where the victims are white & the perpetrators are black.

Dozens of arrests have reportedly been made, but suspiciously there is no word yet on charges or the identities of the perps. Presumably these details are being omitted in the name of political correctness.

Unfortunately, video & photos of the event are difficult to find right now. The media will only show grainy & distant clip of dozens of people marching near the beach. In every photo currently available, the attackers have been carefully omitted to show only police standing in formation. Reports indicate that the hundreds of attackers were stealing possessions & vandalizing cars as well as brutalizing & trampling  the beachgoers who were just sitting ducks this Memorial Day. It shouldn't be long before personal videos begin to surface independent of the outdated restrictions of the popular media.

This link goes to one of the few reports available online:

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But this appears to be a story of the media covering up a racially motivated massive assault. If I'm right, there are more to come.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Haram Fecum

Did Boko Haram really kidnap 200+ girls to sell on the black market?
I doubt it.
Why would they issue the public notice that they kidnapped the girls instead of just selling them? They've made no other threats or demands in the alleged kidnapping. They aren't asking for ransom. They seem to just be affirming their status as "evildoers" in the public eye. What kind of sense does THAT make?

Now who could possibly benefit from making it seem as if there is a small, manageable evildoer operating in a place where we aren't really supposed to be without "just cause"....?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

What NEITHER Side Wants You to Know About Benghazi

Those on the right of this issue want to see the faces of Barack Obama, Valerie Jarret, Susan Rice, Jay Carney, Ben Rhodes & Hillary Clinton peeled from their skulls as they admit to covering up a quadruple murder.

Those on the left of this issue are mildly confused because their news has been ignoring all the relevant updates, & so they mainly just want Republicans to shut the hell up already about something that happened "like 2 years ago" & start explaining how they're going to make the world cleaner & greener.

But what NOBODY is talking about is the idea that the government tried to frame citizens as the cause of international conflict. Yeah, YOU. Somebody in your government wanted to set the precedent so that they could blame riots, incursions, firefights, assassinations & terrorist attacks on YOU, the taxpaying citizens who exercise their right to free speech by uploading videos to youtube.

The White House (which is a code word meant to protect the supposedly good name of the president) claimed the deaths in Benghazi were the result of a video uploaded by a US citizen....NOT the result of a threat made by an elected official, NOT the result of actions performed by US military & intelligence agencies....the ambassador & 3 others were supposedly dead because someone like you uploaded a movie to youtube.
If their plan worked, our foremost national conversation would currently revolve around the legalities of arresting/assassinating US citizens on US soil if the White House can "prove" the citizen's speech sparked international conflict. That's a VERY slippery slope toward limitations on free speech.

Want to see something weird? Google these names.
They're the names of the people involved in the making of the video. But don't just google an advanced search for news about these people that happened BEFORE the Benghazi killings of Sept 11, 2012:
  • Nakoula Basseley Nakoula 
  • Sam Bacile
  • Pastor Terry Jones

It shouldn't take too much reading before you realize the US intelligence community (CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ) was involved in this story for years before the 1st firebomb was thrown over the consulate wall. Make your own conclusions based on the information you find. Ignore it at your own risk.

Another Athlete Gets Away With It, Pt1

Human waste is a strong word, but what do we call someone who can't read or do basic math, can't control his violent criminal urges, & somehow gets treated by local law enforcement as a hero & carried through life without having to work?

In this case, we call it Jayru Campbell.

Piece of shit Jayru Campbell.
When a school security guard approached Jayru Campbell about a violation, Jayru attempted to murder the guard by bodyslamming him onto a hard tile floor. But don't expect him to actually PAY for the crime...he's a football player. And since the government subsidizes college & pro sports, YOU are paying for him to stalk the streets while he looks for another victim.

That is, if Judge Timothy Kenny has anything to say about it.

Mentioning Jayru's football career several times during during a recent plea hearing, Judge Kenny decided the "misunderstanding" of attempted murder should be forgiven if Jayru apologizes. That's it...just apologize, & not only will he be cleared of all charges, his CRIMINAL RECORD WILL BE PERMANENTLY SCRUBBED it never even happened.
It'll be just like he never tried to kill anybody at all. This is important, because a nice clean record will open more doors for the idiot manchild than are open to any of the hardworking, literate, nonviolent members of society. And since he plays with a ball, Judge Kenny surmised Jayru must deserve more than everybody else.

Are we even sure he tried to kill the guard? You tell me:

How would you feel after an attack like that?

Since local papers would NEVER say anything negative about a violent athlete, the origin of this story has been a little difficult to track down. All we know for CERTAIN is that Jayru shoved the guard first, and then the guard went after him, at which point Jayru decided it would be best to split the guard's head open like a melon rather than face justice.

The papers won't tell us about a guard catching Jayru selling hard drugs to highschool students at Cass Tech.
The papers won't tell us that the guard had seen Jayru Campbell grab his girlfriend by the throat during an argument, or that others saw him twist her arm during another incident in the parking lot.
The papers won't tell you that Jayru had a D-minus grade average, or that the school bent the rules & fudged his relevant test scores so he could continue playing with a ball.
The papers won't tell you that  Cass Tech doesn't test its athletes for steroid use, or that steroids can lead to inexplicable bursts of violence like the one seen above.

And why would they tell us? If this violent offender can make it through college without having to cover up a rape or murder, he'll likely be in line to play with balls for millions of dollars a year (since he doesn't have any actual skills). And when that pro contract comes through to reward Jayru for his years of reckless violent behavior, the piece of shit reporter who refused to release the details of Jayru's assault on a guard will be 1st in line to get the big exclusive interview.

Not feeling that they had done enough to protect this repeat offender from justice, Cass Tech violated Michigan state law by refusing to expel the so-called "student" for the videotaped assault.

We're looking forward to learning of the crimes Jayru Campbell will commit in the future.


Friday, May 2, 2014

You want me to stop asking questions?

ONLY an asshole tells people to stop asking questions.
I don't care if it's about science or politics or a crime or religion or law or art or history or ANYTHING.
If someone tells you to stop asking questions, consider them an opponent & an enemy of truth. If they continue to obstruct you, don't hesitate to stomp their brains out before continuing your search for the answer.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Press Conference Drinking Game

Next time you're watching a politician or spokesclown dodge questions about a crime or coverup, drink every time you hear the phrase "THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS..."

It's usually framed like this:
Reporter: "is it true that that you made half a mountain in Nevada disappear just so you could see if there was gold in it?"
Spokesclown "The fact of the matter is that there are millions of children who don't have access to healthcare or education. Next question."