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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Another Athlete Gets Away With It, Pt1

Human waste is a strong word, but what do we call someone who can't read or do basic math, can't control his violent criminal urges, & somehow gets treated by local law enforcement as a hero & carried through life without having to work?

In this case, we call it Jayru Campbell.

Piece of shit Jayru Campbell.
When a school security guard approached Jayru Campbell about a violation, Jayru attempted to murder the guard by bodyslamming him onto a hard tile floor. But don't expect him to actually PAY for the crime...he's a football player. And since the government subsidizes college & pro sports, YOU are paying for him to stalk the streets while he looks for another victim.

That is, if Judge Timothy Kenny has anything to say about it.

Mentioning Jayru's football career several times during during a recent plea hearing, Judge Kenny decided the "misunderstanding" of attempted murder should be forgiven if Jayru apologizes. That's it...just apologize, & not only will he be cleared of all charges, his CRIMINAL RECORD WILL BE PERMANENTLY SCRUBBED it never even happened.
It'll be just like he never tried to kill anybody at all. This is important, because a nice clean record will open more doors for the idiot manchild than are open to any of the hardworking, literate, nonviolent members of society. And since he plays with a ball, Judge Kenny surmised Jayru must deserve more than everybody else.

Are we even sure he tried to kill the guard? You tell me:

How would you feel after an attack like that?

Since local papers would NEVER say anything negative about a violent athlete, the origin of this story has been a little difficult to track down. All we know for CERTAIN is that Jayru shoved the guard first, and then the guard went after him, at which point Jayru decided it would be best to split the guard's head open like a melon rather than face justice.

The papers won't tell us about a guard catching Jayru selling hard drugs to highschool students at Cass Tech.
The papers won't tell us that the guard had seen Jayru Campbell grab his girlfriend by the throat during an argument, or that others saw him twist her arm during another incident in the parking lot.
The papers won't tell you that Jayru had a D-minus grade average, or that the school bent the rules & fudged his relevant test scores so he could continue playing with a ball.
The papers won't tell you that  Cass Tech doesn't test its athletes for steroid use, or that steroids can lead to inexplicable bursts of violence like the one seen above.

And why would they tell us? If this violent offender can make it through college without having to cover up a rape or murder, he'll likely be in line to play with balls for millions of dollars a year (since he doesn't have any actual skills). And when that pro contract comes through to reward Jayru for his years of reckless violent behavior, the piece of shit reporter who refused to release the details of Jayru's assault on a guard will be 1st in line to get the big exclusive interview.

Not feeling that they had done enough to protect this repeat offender from justice, Cass Tech violated Michigan state law by refusing to expel the so-called "student" for the videotaped assault.

We're looking forward to learning of the crimes Jayru Campbell will commit in the future.


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