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Saturday, May 3, 2014

What NEITHER Side Wants You to Know About Benghazi

Those on the right of this issue want to see the faces of Barack Obama, Valerie Jarret, Susan Rice, Jay Carney, Ben Rhodes & Hillary Clinton peeled from their skulls as they admit to covering up a quadruple murder.

Those on the left of this issue are mildly confused because their news has been ignoring all the relevant updates, & so they mainly just want Republicans to shut the hell up already about something that happened "like 2 years ago" & start explaining how they're going to make the world cleaner & greener.

But what NOBODY is talking about is the idea that the government tried to frame citizens as the cause of international conflict. Yeah, YOU. Somebody in your government wanted to set the precedent so that they could blame riots, incursions, firefights, assassinations & terrorist attacks on YOU, the taxpaying citizens who exercise their right to free speech by uploading videos to youtube.

The White House (which is a code word meant to protect the supposedly good name of the president) claimed the deaths in Benghazi were the result of a video uploaded by a US citizen....NOT the result of a threat made by an elected official, NOT the result of actions performed by US military & intelligence agencies....the ambassador & 3 others were supposedly dead because someone like you uploaded a movie to youtube.
If their plan worked, our foremost national conversation would currently revolve around the legalities of arresting/assassinating US citizens on US soil if the White House can "prove" the citizen's speech sparked international conflict. That's a VERY slippery slope toward limitations on free speech.

Want to see something weird? Google these names.
They're the names of the people involved in the making of the video. But don't just google an advanced search for news about these people that happened BEFORE the Benghazi killings of Sept 11, 2012:
  • Nakoula Basseley Nakoula 
  • Sam Bacile
  • Pastor Terry Jones

It shouldn't take too much reading before you realize the US intelligence community (CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ) was involved in this story for years before the 1st firebomb was thrown over the consulate wall. Make your own conclusions based on the information you find. Ignore it at your own risk.

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